ESE Gusto
Monodose Espresso Cialda Pods
Product Design
Visulaization & 3d Rendering
Production Consulting
The ESE Cialda packaging was a double standard project, both for retail and mostly for b2b wholesale quantities. Low cost, universal packaging among the three separate variations were key to a successful production line. So the main goal was the creation of practically one design, resourcefully packed and stacked in order to maximize production and transportation efficiency. The box is a kraft, almost cardboard like paper, fully recycled and recyclable. All three labels share the same content information on the packaging, from volume and technical references to a manual like information texts with the proper preparation steps for different coffee drinks variations, since it’s a package that can be used by professional or even novice and casual barista. A bold, glossy sticker label separate each variety with a distinctive aesthetic, while the top side table provides information for each one.
ESE Gusto
Monodose Espresso Cialda Pods
The ESE Cialda packaging was a double standard project, both for retail and mostly for b2b wholesale quantities. Low cost, universal packaging among the three separate variations were key to a successful production line. So the main goal was the creation of practically one design, resourcefully packed and stacked in order to maximize production and transportation efficiency. The box is a kraft, almost cardboard like paper, fully recycled and recyclable. All three labels share the same content information on the packaging, from volume and technical references to a manual like information texts with the proper preparation steps for different coffee drinks variations, since it’s a package that can be used by professional or even novice and casual barista. A bold, glossy sticker label separate each variety with a distinctive aesthetic, while the top side table provides information for each one.